
Gain Experience, Make Connections

Through AlamoEXPERIENCE, 学生参加体验式学习的机会,与雇主接触, 发展他们的技能,为他们未来的职业生涯建立联系.

What is Experiential Learning?

雇主雇佣那些能够展示软技能和职业相关技能的人. 体验式学习提供了对现实世界的理解,通过积极的学习经历和个人反思提高了学业上的成功. 自我反省使你能够掌控自己的学习,并为你的职业生涯建立联系.

Why is experiential learning important?

大学学位或证书通常在实现职业目标方面起着至关重要的作用, 但你通过体验式学习获得的技能可以让你的申请在潜在雇主面前脱颖而出. While gaining key experiences, 你也可以探索自己的技能,确定一份职业是否适合你.

8 in 10 受访的商业领袖表示,软技能对员工来说是最重要的. (Source: Grasgreen A, “Preparedness Paradoxes,” Inside Higher Ed)


Student working on laptop

Student Job Board: Handshake

通过访问我们的职业网络,在你的职业中迈出下一步. 与当地和全国的雇主联系,找到相关的空缺、实习和兼职工作. 浏览个性化的工作推荐、即将到来的招聘会、面试机会等等.

Log in with your ACES username and password.

Launch Your Career

Student working on laptop


Interested in a short-term, paid micro-internship?

The Alamo Colleges District, in partnership with Parker Dewey, is offering short-term, paid, professional assignments.

Explore internships that are available year-round, 一周到一个月的工作时间从5小时到40小时不等.

这些项目可以为你的职业生涯提供发展新技能的机会, explore career paths, and build career networks toward a full-time role.

这些公司从财富100强到新兴的初创企业,跨越多个部门,包括销售部门, marketing, technology, HR, and finance.

Get Started


On-Campus Opportunities

AlamoEXPERIENCE门户网站允许学生捕捉他们的工作, connect with people within the Alamo Colleges District, and build their résumés with the AlamoEXPERIENCE Transcript.

Log in with your ACES username and password.

Find Experiences

What is an AlamoEXPERIENCE Transcript?

Your academic transcript showcases your courses and grades, 你的AlamoEXPERIENCE成绩单突出了你的职业准备和软技能——比如团队合作和解决问题的能力. It will include clubs, organizations, 你参加过的校园活动和体验式学习机会.

与你的学术顾问分享你的AlamoEXPERIENCE成绩单, employers, 在大学、实习和奖学金申请中突出你的经历.

To access your transcript, 登录到门户网站,并从右侧的帐户配置文件菜单, scroll down and select Experience Transcript. 单击“打印视图/PDF”按钮以您喜欢的格式打印/保存.



  • Internships
  • Apprenticeships
  • Clinicals
  • Practicum
  • Field Observations
  • Student Teaching
  • Research
  • Job Shadow
  • Study Abroad
  • Service Learning



Co-curricular Learning


探索与课程相关的活动,包括以课堂为基础的学习项目, public speakers, panel discussions, research projects, and more. 课外活动的机会可以让你应用知识并反思你所学到的知识.


Extracurricular Activities


这些活动促进学生的参与,并加强学校的文化. Opportunities include:

Student Leadership InstituteStudy Abroad

Explore by college:

Northeast Lakeview CollegeNorthwest Vista CollegePalo Alto CollegeSt. Philip’s CollegeSan Antonio College

Field Experience



Workplace Learning – Community Work-StudyInternshipsStudent Job Board

40% of U.S. Associate Degree Graduates 有了相关实习,毕业时就有了一份好工作, versus 6% who did not have an internship. (Source: Gallup-Strada Associate Degree Study)

在接受调查的2019年毕业、参加过带薪实习的学生中 make $10,000 more than unpaid and/or non-intern. (Source: 2019 Student Survey Report - 4 Year)

Contact Us

Cassandra Segura
Director of Career Resources & Services
